Griffith Ford Uvalde

Tire Rotation Service

close up view of a tire laid down flat

Tire Rotation Service at Griffith Ford Uvalde

If there’s one thing that most drivers hate, it’s buying tires. This can be expensive, and you might find that it sets you back a considerable amount. If you’re trying to maintain your current set so that you can get as many miles out of them as possible, you’ll want to make sure that you’re keeping up with your tire rotations. For quick service, you’ll want to visit Griffith Ford Uvalde.

Your Next Tire Rotation Service in Uvalde

Next to getting your oil changed, tire rotations are one of the most common services you can opt for. This is for good reason, as this simple and quick service will help you maintain your tires over time so that you can get as much mileage as possible out of them. When your tires are rotated, the mechanics at the dealership are essentially moving them around so that they take a similar amount of wear. While it might seem like they all wear away evenly, you’ll find that some tires experience significantly more stress depending on how your vehicle drives. Once you arrive, you’ll need to let our mechanics know whether you’re dealing with a Front-Wheel, Rear-Wheel, or Four-Wheel drive, since these will need to be rotated differently.

Other Important Services Offered at Griffith Ford

As important as tire rotations are, there are a few other services that you might want to consider before you leave the dealership, or later on. If you want to ensure your set lasts for as long as possible, you’ll want to opt for:
  • Balancing: Your tires aren’t all the same weight, which can pose problems on the road. When you start to move at higher speeds, you might notice that your vehicle starts to vibrate. This is usually the result of wheel bouncing, which can happen when it isn’t balanced. When you balance your wheels, you’re ensuring that they’re all weighted equally for optimal performance.
  • Alignment: Your tires are supposed to take on the road at a certain angle, but over time, this angle can shift a few degrees. While this might seem minor, it can result in your tread wearing away at a rapid pace. You’ll want to check on your alignment periodically, as outlined by your owner’s manual.

Shopping for New Tires

Regardless of how well you take care of them, you can’t make tires last forever. You’ll eventually need a new set if you find that they’re balding, and if that’s the case, you’ll want to head to Griffith Ford Uvalde.
  • Consider a Replacement: If you’re in need of new tires and you’re near San Antonio, Uvalde, or Hondo, then you’ll want to use our online order form. We have a wide selection of different types to choose from, and once you’ve picked them out, we can easily install them for you.
  • Buy Tires That Fit Your Lifestyle: When you’re choosing your next tire, make sure it matches how you use your vehicle. If you’re constantly off-roading, for example, you might want to consider All-Terrain tires since they offer better traction. If your model is on the sportier end, you may want to consider sports tires instead. Either way, you’ll want to ensure you look at your needs as a driver before you make your final purchase.

A simple tire rotation can prolong the life of your tires, so if it’s been a while since your last service, you’ll want to schedule an appointment with Griffith Ford Uvalde today.